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Digital Photo Restoration. WOW!


All work is 100% guaranteed!
 The main goal is to work until you are satisfied.

aMaze Photo Retouch Service - PROMO Commercial v.4a

aMaze Photo Retouch Service - PROMO Commercial v.4a

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Look What Can Be Done!

Change Color Editing
donna_joyner11 after.png


Completely select specific colors

in a photo and replace them with another color. Also good for enhancing and boosting the overall color

brilliance in a photo.

Colors may be boosted far better

than the original photo.

"What do you need recoloring?"

Look What Can Be Done!

Repair Damage Editing
Guy (Repaied damage).jpg


Oh Lord! How can a photo with so much physical damage be restored? 

Is there any hope for badly torn photos?

Can stains and deep spots be removed?

They Sure Can!

"Electronic Surgery Fixes Them All!"

Look What Can Be Done!

Full Makeover Editing
451088979eb246cfadbd544599e0ce70 after.j


No make to full

"Facial Glamorizing beauty."

Added makeup, lipstick, eyeliner, foundation, longer eye lashes,

skin smoothening, etc.

Yes, you can submit a plain photo featuring "No Makeup" and give

you the same exact look created

by professional makeup artists.

Let's give you that awesome

"Cover Girl Look!"


Don't throw away those old faded and torn photos. They can be restored to their original quality and beyond.

Why choose aMaze Photo Retouch Service?

The main goal is to work until you are satisfied!

  • Affordable prices for image retouching!
Starts as little as $15 per image (Basic digital retouching)

  • $20 to $40 for more complex photo editing!
5 levels of edit retouching are available!

  • All work is 100% guaranteed!


Order Instructions

View this page to know how to follow the procedure for paying for your photo service. Thanks!

Total Satisfaction!

Don't throw away those old faded and torn photos. They can be restored to their original quality and beyond.

Let’s Get Started Today!

There is Hope for Your Old & Damaged Photos!


Oh, how priceless are those special love ones who we at one time could see, hold, and adore but who are no longer with us. Sometimes our last memories of them may have been during their pain, suffering, poor health, and struggles. Universally, I believe that everyone would rather remember past love ones when they were in their health, well-being, and youthful days. Unfortunately, the fleeting passage of time often blurs those memories and compromise the quality of the photos that we've tried to hang on to.


Praise God Almighty for the innovations of modern technology which has given increasing hope for enjoying those rapidly deteriorating photos. No longer must aging photos lie dormant and fade away inside photo albums and picture frames, all scattered about our homes and businesses. Fortunately, we can now bring 100% life back into those photos to revitalize our memories.


Oh Yes!

Even badly torn photos can potentially, be digitally repaired and made like new again. In many instances, repaired photos can be made to look even better than the original photos.



I, PaSTOR D "TBLAM," would love to bring that smile back to your face and rekindle the joy in your heart by offering you a chance to have those photos enhanced and restored. Yes, I’m grateful and honored to provide this invaluable service to you. Quality that leaves you aMazed!



Admittedly, in some extreme circumstances, some photos may have very little pigmentation to work with towards restoration. However, whatever it takes to get the best job done, every sincere and humbly effort will be tried to achieve satisfactory results.


Through “Digital Image Restoration”, most any type of damaged photo can be restored whether it’s a tear, a crease, water or mold damage, fading, or even if your photo is in separate pieces. Yes, your photos can be restored to their former glory, so you may forever cherish the memories.


Although trial & error accommodates photo restoration, every any technique possible toward the completion of this service to you will be employed. Your photos will be revised Free of charge until you are 100% satisfied. Most of all, my desire is that you be satisfied and God gets the glory for the effort and results. AMEN, AMEN, and Amen!




Go ahead and start collecting those precious but “Suffering Photos” and upload them to be fully restored by aMaze Photo Retouch Service.

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and all its contents

have been created

by "TBLAM!"

You may consult

PaSTOR D about

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