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Rules & Terms of Service

Rules & Terms / Audio
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aMaze Photo Retouch Service has a zero-tolerance policy in regards to inappropriate photos been submitted.


There are expected limitations on what type of photo content allowed to be submitted to aMaze Photo Retouch Service. Anyone submitting photos must adhere to the “Rules & Terms of Service” set forth on this page. Failure to do so may result in you being refused service.


Inappropriate Content

aMaze Photo Retouch Service does not accept photos of any of the following types: hatred; violence; harassment; racism; or sexual. Content that's likely to shock, exploit, or disgust.

Do be extremely mindful of the photos you submit. As a "Minister of The Gospel" I do maintain all the high ethical standards of the ministry as well as uphold respectful integrity of all aspects of my business. Thus, there is obvious photo content absolutely unaccepted by aMaze Photo Retouch Service. In a morally decaying society like ours, tolerance of indecency has increased and become more popular in each following generation.


The world of "Social media" has made indecency a popular instant form of personal gratification and expression to post inappropriate content when allowed to do so. Photos that are indecent are absolutely unaccepted and are far below the high standards and quality of aMaze Photo Retouch Service as provided by PaSTOR D. Respectfully, think carefully before submitting your photos.



Below are examples of indecent or inappropriate photos.


Unaccepted Photos

  • Nude

  • Exposed cleavage

  • Women or men overexposed (Cleavage, crotch, etc.)

  • Pornographic

  • Obscene

  • Defamatory

  • Slanderous

  • Offensive

  • Sexually suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate

  • Political mockery


Unaccepted Photos (Children)


1. Children at Bath time

Any photo of your child partially or completely naked, like while

he is bathing, is not for public consumption. Unfortunately, what

you think is a darling moment of your children sudsing up can

fall into the wrong hands, such as those of child pornographers

who often scan the internet for photos of children to repost for

\indecent purposes.


2. Children sick or injured

As parents, it's our job to protect our kids, not take advantage of them. Ask yourself this question: Would you want someone to post pictures of you while you're feeling lousy? Probably not. Apply that standard when you consider what to post and what not to.


Exceptions! Sometimes a parent desire to have a child's photo edited in order to remove scars, medical devices, etc. This is just a parent's innocent longing to see their child look normal or remember a deceased child without injuries. Of course, this is okay!


3. Children in shaming photos

Child shaming online seems to be all the rage, but this practice can have devastating effects on kids in the short and long term. Not only does shaming violate the trust between parents and children, but it may also cause post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety later in life.


4. Children on the potty

Photos of children doing their toilet business are best kept private when you think of potential future consequences. Remember, anything you share online lasts forever; do you really think your teen wants to see a shot of himself doing No. 2 for the first time?


5. Children personal info

Keep children safe by never sharing their full names, addresses, where they go to school if they are babysitting alone somewhere, etc. online. You don't know who might use this information for purposes other than what was intended.


6. Children Group with other children

If you decided to share photos of your kids online, great. But it's not okay to make this decision for other parents, who may not feel comfortable having their children's faces plastered all over social media. Make sure you have clearance to post any group picture of your child posing or playing with others.


7. Children Bullying or being bullied

Consider how posting certain pictures online may impact your child at school. For instance, a picture exposing a weakness, fear or maybe a silly nickname could humiliate your child and have repercussions on his social life.


8. Children engaged in unsafe activities

You let your child palm a beer bottle for a second and snap a picture. Or you hold a wee one in your lap to move the car from the garage to the driveway, pausing to get a shot on your smartphone. Photos of these seemingly harmless moments were taken in good fun, but sharing them online opens you up for criticism and potential problems, since all the surrounding details may not be immediately evident upon first glance.


Please respect aMaze Photo Retouch Service business standards and desire to offer quality service.




PaSTOR D “TBLAM” The Baby Lover & Motivator!

Specific Photo Content Not Accepted

Photos - Showing a person smoking a cigarette!
Photos - Showing a person consuming drugs!
Photos - Showing gore, blood, torn body parts, etc.
Photos - Depicting a sexual act!
Photos - Shaming a child!
Photos - Profanity or abbreviations of profanity!
Photos -
Political advertisement

Legal Related Photos
No photos are approved for any form of editing manipulation to be used in official legal or courtroom presentations. In other words, no photos will be accepted if your intentions are to have a photo manipulated in order to distort evidence or cover the truth that may be used legally or in a courtroom case. It is legalled called "Tampering With Evidence."

Photos may be accepted when the goal is just to make them more clearly.

This website

and all its contents

have been created

by "TBLAM!"

You may consult

PaSTOR D about

website ideas and tips.


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